FAKTA : Sinar UV Bisa Berbahaya untuk Wajah dan Mata

Memang Apa Sih Bahaya Sinar UV?

Bukti Nyata Kerusakan Kulit Akibat Sinar UV

Terkena Paparan UV hanya di Sebelah Kiri

Bill McElligott menderita kerusakan pada kulit akibat paparan setiap hari hanya dari sebelah kiri saat mengemudi. Akibat paparan sinar UV ini, wajah sebelah kiri terlihat 20 tahun lebih tua dibanding yang kanan. (sumber : New England Journal of Medicine)

Telah Hadir Topi Anti UV dengan Teknologi USA dan Jepang

Nikmati Aktifitas Outdoor tanpa Takut Paparan Sinar UV

99% Double UV Protection Pertama di Indonesia

Cap dapat Diatur untuk Proteksi Menyeluruh Wajah Terhadap Sinar UV A dan UV B

Perpaduan Teknologi Jepang dan USA

Didesain Di Korea

100% Stylish dan Nyaman Digunakan


NICE CAP Sekarang Juga!




Tersedia dalam 5 Warna

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MEDICAL AND LEGAL DISCLAIMER : Any health improvements or results stated are our therapies, medical journal and research results, and those of people we have personally coached that have shared their results with us. Please understand these results are not guaranteed, We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results could vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your personal health habits. Every health therapy entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. GOGORICH.co.id is not an instant-heal therapy nor a magical cure-all solution. GOGORICH.co.id is also a support system which help our users to build healthier lifestyle habits and assist in the prevention of degenerative diseases.

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